
Wanted by Emlyn Rees

51uBKqoQX3L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Book: Wanted
Author: Emlyn Rees
Publisher: C&R Crime
Printing Company: Unknown
Printed and bound: UK
Year of Publication: 2014
ISBN: 978-1-78033-035-8
Price: £7.99
Pages: 419
Review by: Jason R. Vowles

In a nutshell: Highly anticipated sequel to ‘Hunted’, with a far more sinister plot full of espionage and treachery, before delivering a first-rate cliffhanger. (more…)

Great Books vs. Great Stories

Well, here I am, almost 12 months later…

I’ve been thinking about something a lot over the last few years. Something that I haven’t gotten around to articulatng until now. The difference between a great book and a great story. It’s well known that to become successful and widely published you need to do some of the following things: (more…)